Loc4J Project

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Java Localization Library

Loc4J is a Java developer's library that aids in the localization of applications. To accomplish this, Loc4J uses XLIFF[1] files. Within an XLIFF file an original language's text and its corresponding translation are stored. Loc4J reads in the translations from XLIFF and makes them easily accessible for use in a program.

Loc4J's separation of localizations out into XLIFF has clear advantages over other localization methods for Java applications. Localizers, including localization engineers and translators, are free to use any editor to perform the language work component of an application. Of course, an XLIFF or XML capable editor can be used for an enhanced editing experience. The resultant XLIFF can then be easily put into place for use by the application. On top of this, all the extra XLIFF functionality that may be needed as part of a larger globalization/internationalization workflow, content management system, or other business process are gained and there is no need to change the underlying document or extract text out into other formats for use. These capabilities are not available via other Java localization methods.

Status: stable version 1.0.2 is available (as intl4j). Present work is focussed on migrating Loc4J over from its previous incarnation as Intl4J. In addition to this, there are a number of new features being considered and various fixes that should be available in the next release of the library (version 1.0.3).

(1. XLIFF [XML Localization Interchange File Format] is a standard currently under technical committee of OASIS (Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards). For more information, see the specific OASIS page on XLIFF.)


In addition to a Java Runtime Environment(JRE) for end users, or a Java Developement Kit(JDK) for developers. There are a number of external libraries that Loc4J is dependent upon for its operation.

The libraries are not presently packaged along with the Loc4J binary jar file. They are included in the source package files in the /lib directory. The external java libraries include:

  • commons-beanutils.jar - Wrappers for Java reflection and introspection APIs
  • jsp-api.jar - Java Server Pages API
  • junit.jar - Unit testing framework
  • log4j-1.2.9.jar - Logging framework
  • servlet-api.jar - Servlet API
  • xercesImpl.jar - XML parser library
  • xml-api.jar - XML API library

FYI, the libraries included in the source package are known to work with Loc4J. Use of other versions of these libraries may or may not function correctly. Information on the corresponding versions of the libraries will be included in the near future to eliminate any possible source of confusion.


To download the application go to the Loc4J sourceforge project page. Access the files section to see all files available to date. The latest package release is version 1.0.2.

Packages for download are available in a number of formats:

  • 7-Zip(.7z): 7-zip archive (Linux, Windows)
  • Bzipped(tar.bz2): tar bzip2 archive (mostly UNIX/Linux, some MS applications can work with this, Mac?)
  • Gzipped(tar.gz): tar gzipped (mostly UNIX/Linux, works with some MS applications and with Mac OS)
  • Zip(.zip): zip archive (most platforms; MS, Mac, UNIX/Linux, etc.)

Technical Support

Community support can be obtained by joining the Loc4J developer's mailing listed. Bugs and RFE can be submitted in the usual manner through the Loc4J project page.


The Loc4J project is always on the look out for contributors. If you are interested, please contact one of the project managers:

Comments and suggestions are welcome. It would also be nice to hear about applications that use the library.


Loc4J is copyright Cristian Romanescu et al. and is open source software released under the GNU LGPL license.

This software is OSI Certified Open Source Software. OSI Certified is a certification mark of the Open Source Initiative.


All software, documentation, and images related to this project are copyright of their respective holders. Please refer to the copyright notices that accompany the application, or any part thereof, for more information. The project and any of its members are not responsible for any consequences that could result from use of said software, documentation, or the contributions that have been or will be made to the project.